Soapsmith's Blog Archive

Soapsmith's Vegetable Container Garden

Hello friends,

The summer heat is on and the vegetables are loving it. There is nothing better than a homegrown tomato. Tangy, sweet and yummy!

Heirloom tomatoes, celebrity, container bush, yellow, cherry, grape, roma,
better boy and early girls.

My Dad was a fantastic tomato grower. He always had the biggest tomatoes and loved to brag about them. I always had the earliest ripe fruit. Every year around the 4th of July I got bragging rights. For 3 summers in a row, I was hospitalized while battling cancer. My Dad would have to take over watering duties for my container gardens. I remember him coming in to visit every day, tormenting me that he had picked those first ripe tomatoes and eaten them.  Of course, he didn't do it but he loved to tease. 

I carried a handful of his garden soil to the cemetery to sprinkle on his grave at burial. When I get my first ripe tomato every year, I visit his grave site to give him the news. I still miss him dearly, 16 years since his death. Love ya, Dad.

Is there anything cuter than baby vegetables? Cukes, my favorite and zucchini. My container garden is a great producer of fresh goodness. Soon there will be enough to start some canning to preserve them for winter pleasure. You can grow many things in containers!

Vigorous vines for sure!

Green Pa. Wonder sweet peppers and hot banana peppers ready for early harvest. Lots of rain this year.

On the menu this week, toasted tomato sandwiches, tender sweet fresh
cucumber spears with simple sea salt and pepper garnish and a sprinkle of fresh dill, baby zucchini light grilled with extra virgin olive, sea salt and garlic pepper.
Sounds delish!

Thanks for visiting,

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